There have been a couple thousand hits to the TKES Blog since I started it--which is a surprise to me. In the same idea, there has been a significant increase of hits in the last few weeks. There has been a lot of interest on setting up the notebook, getting organized, evidence for 3.6, examples of document evidence, teacher evidence and documenting performance, uploading documents to The Platform, TKES Specific Ideas and Essays, Handbooks, Fact Sheet #15 Documenting Performance, and Classroom Management to name a few.
So, I'm curious if there is anything you have questions about, need help with, would like advice about, or have a topic that you would like me to either comment on or research. All inquiries would be confidential. My evaluations have gone well, but not quite like I would like - I wanted all 4s in all 10 categories. Even though I have significant evidence available on site and have uploaded to The Platform (200-300 documents), I think I will not get 4s in all areas - the wording of some of the categories probably not allow it. You are welcomed to send me an e-mail at for your thoughts, ideas, recommendations, suggestions, comments, requests.