Saturday, September 6, 2014


Today at lunch, my Evaluator stopped by and gave a colleague and me ideas as to the TAPS areas he would be observing sometime next week for his first observation.  He mentioned that he would be looking for certain elements for instructional strategies and positive learning environments (Standard 3 and 7).  My colleague quickly asked if each of the elements of each standard had to be observed for us to pass.  He calmly, and confidently, reiterated that the elements were not a checklist.  He added two points that calm my nerves somewhat:
1) he was quite familiar with the rubric, what to look for, and how everything worked because he had used the full blown TKES evaluation system last year, and a trial run the year before, and
2) he said that if you're a good teacher, instructional strategies and classroom environment should be a given; if not, you're probably not a very good teacher.  Internally, I agreed.

The point: I have a bit more confidence in the process and that my Evaluator is indeed not looking for a "gotcha."  However, I'll be more sure when it is actually over....

In any case, I still am adding to my TKES/TAPS notebook (pictured in an earlier post, and suggestions on how to implement on on a separate page [Handbook for Successful TKES Evaluation]).  Near the Evaluator/observation area, I have a 2-inch notebook with my lesson plans, 2, 4-inch notebooks with my evidence cataloged by section and identified by individual table of contents, and a 2-inch binder with my detailed lesson plans as they relate to each and every section of material in my textbook and national standards; all integrated and cross referenced.  The Evaluator indicated that we would need to show him where our lesson plans were; I put a sign by his observation area.

At one time, I was planning on replacing documents in my notebook with newer versions, but after reading more of the TAPS rubric, I decided that would be a bad idea.  The reason?  The wording for Level IV begins with, "The teacher continually demonstrates...," "The teacher continually seeks and uses....," "The teacher continually facilitates....," etc.  To me that means not only on a daily/weekly basis, but also on a yearly basis.  I decided not to replace evidence in my notebook, but rather add to so that I could demonstrate "continually."

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