Saturday, January 28, 2017

Focus Walk Observation Checklist

This document could be a useful tool when observing other teachers to organize feedback (I could e-mail you a better copy if you would like).  However, I cannot over emphasize that it would be even better if there were a pre-observation conversation with the teacher about the lesson so that the observer would know what they are looking for &/or observing.  

By way of example, I observed a teacher during the opening segment of the lesson and even though all the students had their notebooks out and were quiet (which may imply engagement), only about 1/2 of the students were writing down in their notebooks what she was reviewing.  Was this because 1/2 of the students actually did the work yesterday and didn't need to write it down again and 1/2 did not do the work the previous day?  I had no way of knowing during the observation (I went back and talked to the teacher later).

Quality feedback requires a pre-conference, observation, and a post-conference.

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