Thursday, November 6, 2014

2s, 2s, 2s....

Please pardon the informality, but in my neck of the woods, they are passing out 2s like candy at Halloween.  I am under the impression that I am to be observed again soon, this time with the emphasis on Section 10: Communication.  I looked through my book to see what I had, when it was used, and the current relevance of my material.  I decided to keep what I had, but  update several areas.  I now have 51 pieces of evidence for Standard 10.  The type of evidence varies based on the Element.

I believe that there are administrators who are judging the teachers without ever asking for, or searching for, evidence; it appears some administrators are going to only judge what they see in the classroom.  I decided to update the material for Section 10 this week, update my table of contents, print out the new TOC, add it to the notebook, and upload it into the TLE Platform.  In addition, I e-mailed my evaluator to let him/her know that I had new evidence located in my notebook and s/he could review the summarized TOC when they came in.  I received a reply of, "Thank you."

It is my understanding that some evaluators will never ask for evidence and never look into the Documentation section of the TLE Platform.  This willful omission and oversight could cause a problem for teachers.

I believe that many of the teachers who received 2s probably did not have evidence/documentation ready or nearby or did not notify their administrator, but I do not know that for a fact.  Perhaps teachers are taking this lightly and thinking that they are "highly qualified" and will do just fine.  It is my recommendation that you keep your evidence current, applicable, and uploaded into The Platform.  If nothing else, it will serve as dated and timed evidence if you ever have to rebut a low score.

In my current estimation (and the way I feel), it is not about highly qualified or even highly effective anymore; it's about highly documented.

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