Thursday, March 19, 2015

75 Instructional Strategies

I decided to type up a list of the different ways I teach the material that is presented in class.  Some of the ideas are common instructional strategies, some are well known, but some are not thought of as an typical "instructional strategy," but they are.  These strategies help students learn.  This list was developed just by thinking through my day and took only as much time as it took to type.  I intend to continue the list as I come across other ways I present material, have students engage in the material, have students demonstrate mastery of the material, or interact with the curriculum.  

Please see the page, "75 Instructional Strategies" or "75 Instructional Strategies-list" above.

If you have other ideas that could be included in the list, please let me know; I would like to try them.


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