Thursday, December 4, 2014

TKES Conversation-January 2015

If you are going to the Georgia Music Educator's Association state convention in Savannah January 29-31, why not stop by have a conversation, share ideas, and discuss TKES?  I'll be at the poster session presenting the results of my doctoral study: "Activating Prior Knowledge with Ques and Questions as a Key Instructional Strategy to Increase Student Achievement in Low Socioeconomic Middle Schools."  The result was a lesson plan introduction that dramatically increased students' achievement compared to the teachers who did not use the lesson plan.
Using archival data, this ex post facto study found a statistically significant difference using an ANCOVA, F(1, 863) = 35.398, < .000, for the research question investigating the effect on student achievement when teachers specifically activate students’ prior knowledge before using the LFS model of instruction.
The lesson plan from my doctoral study is used in my TKES lesson as well.

I will have copies of my "Saxophone Handbook" for you to review, "How to pass all 10 TAPS in one lesson," and other items that could assist you in a) teaching, b) TKES, c) saxophone instruction, or d) lesson plans.  All of the information is free.

I will be performing at the Friday night concert as well; it should be a good program of music.

Hope to see you there.

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