Monday, September 1, 2014

Further information to assist you....

Apart from this ongoing blog presentation of descriptions and ideas, I wanted to point to you a series of handouts that may be helpful.  They're located on this blog, in part, and on my online portfolio (  Brief descriptions:

Advice and Teaching Methods:
Sight Reading at Concert Festival (a.k.a. LGPE: Large Group Performance Evaluation)
Saxophone Handbook (comprehensive manual for teaching/playing saxophone)

Some ideas for new teachers....
Some teaching ideas....
Some procedural ideas....
Some ideas for question....
Some "behavior modification" (i.e., discipline) ideas....
Some physical management ideas....

Surviving a Doctorate: Year 1.  Practical advice on ideas and methods to make sure you finish your degree!

Handbooks and Other Resources:
Classroom Instruction That Works, 2nd ed. Results (very good)
Instructional Strategies That Work (very good)
Saxophone Handbook
Surviving a Doctorate: Year 1

TKES-Specific Ideas and Essays:
TKES: Lesson Plan Design
TKES: Checks for Understanding
TKES: Differentiation
TKES: Mastering Concepts and Skills
TKES: Remediation and Enrichment
TKES: Keys to Your Successful Evaluation
TKES: Lesson Plan Design for Band

School Law:
Thoughts & Quotes Regarding "A Teacher's Pocket Guide to School Law" (very good refresher)

Instructional Strategies:
Instructional Strategies That Work
The 9 Most Effective Instructional Strategies That Work--Updated

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