Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Observation Preparation

A colleague of mine was observed the other day.  The Evaluator did not see the lesson plans for the day, which were printed and in a notebook a few feet away.  When the observation was over, the Evaluator requested a copy of the lesson plans (i.e., "evidence," "proof") so that s/he could load them in to The Platform online.

Because we have not gone through this process before, I am still very skeptical and leery of The System.  It has been made clear to us (through meetings & document from the Ga DOE) that if the Evaluator does not see something, then we can submit evidence within 24 hours and it will be uploaded into The Platform.  To me, that automatically implies (a year from now when someone is reviewing your file) that you didn't do something in real time, were told to submit proof so that you could received a good score, you prepared some sort of document, sent it to the Evaluator, and s/he uploaded it to The Platform so that they could backward-document your performance on that element.  I don't think that will look good....

Now, thinking ahead a couple of years...  If I were an Administrator and were to look at a file in The Platform and saw that someone had multiple documents loaded into The Platform for many of the elements, that would be "a red flag" to me that many of the elements were not being demonstrated in real time--the teacher had to keep providing proof that they were doing their job!  Even if the evidence was appropriate, it would be a red flag.  I have been in the legal field as an Administrator, and after reading a bazillion resumes (pardon the slang), I have noticed that some patterns tend to reveal how people really are--not how they say they are.

I suggest to you that all the evidence you have collected and your lesson plans be located in close proximity to the Evaluator's location, AND that the materials be labeled clearly.  We have been told that the Evaluator has the opportunity to review evidence while they are still in the classroom and if they see the documentation, then they do not have to ask for it later, and it will not have to be loaded into The Platform.  Translation: if they observe the behavior in real time &/or see it in your notebook while they are in the room, then they don't have to upload it into The Platform.  This should keep The Platform clean and simple (i.e., you are a good teacher in real time.)

To that end, here is what I sent to my Evaluator today:
Information for my observation/evaluation: all paperwork/evidence for your review is located in the tall wood cabinet to the left of the main door near the "panic buttons."  On the shelf are: daily lesson plans, TAPS evidence for standards 1-10, and extremely detailed lesson plans for 6th grade as they relate/correlate with the Georgia Performance Standards and the Nation Standards.  Notebooks with evidence have table of contents with brief definitions so that you can discern the purpose of that evidence.
I intend that when he enters my room, I will either formally (verbally) or informally (through gestures) ensure that he has located the lesson plans, the TAPS notebooks (Volume 1 & 2), and my National Standards correlation.

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